Your candidates

Each picture is linked to their page on the Vote for Change website

Vote for Change 
East Londonderry
Lesley MacCaulay
Vote for Change 
Mike Nesbitt 

Vote for Change
South Belfast

Paula Bradshaw
Vote for Change
West Tyrone

Ross Hussey

Vote for Change
East Belfast

Trevor Ringland
Vote for Change
West Belfast

Bill Manwaring

Vote for Change
Newry & Armagh

Danny Kennedy
Vote for Change
Lagan Valley

Daphne Trimble

Vote for Change
Upper Bann

Harry Hamilton
Vote for Change
North Down

Ian Parsley

Vote for Change
North Antrim

Irwin Armstrong
Vote for Change 
South Antrim
Sir Reg Empey

Vote for Change 
South Down
John McCallister
Vote for Change 
David Harding

Vote for Change 
East Antrim
Rodney McCune
Vote for Change 
Mid Ulster
Sandra Overend